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安庆沿江风光/ Sceneries in Anqing along the River


振风塔风铃摇曳, 邓石如碑馆墨韵万千,桐城派文章余味隽永。今天的安庆,江水倒映丽影,交通纵横铺陈。信步街巷,处处是古迹;侧耳倾听,黄梅声声婉转。这里,传统与现代相融,古老与时尚共生。“白天看景,晚上看戏”,是很多游客来安庆的标配。

安庆振风塔/ Zhenfeng Tower in Anqing

There are four famous historical and cultural cities in southern Anhui: Anqing, Shexian County,Jixi County and Yixian County.

The ancient Riverside City of Anqing, the former capital of Anhui province for nearly 300 years, has a rich cultural heritage. She has many titles: a thousand-year-old city, a city of culture, a provincial capital and a hometown of operas.China's first steam engine, first motorboat, first university... Many firsts have witnessed the innovative spirit of this city. Today in Anqing, the river reflects her beautiful shadow and the traffic is convenient. When you walk in the old streets, you can see monuments and relics, and when you listen carefully, you can hear the beautiful Huangmei opera. Here, tradition and modern blend, while ancient and fashion coexist.

歙县历史悠久,公元前221年,秦始皇统一中国,歙县建置。宣和三年(1121 年),朝廷敕改歙县为徽州,以“徽”寓意美好。此后,它一度是古徽州的首邑与州府治所。

欢乐古镇歙县/ Shexian, a Happy Ancient County


一座石拱大桥,横江卧波,这就是皖南最大的石拱桥——太平桥。太平桥建于明弘治年间(公元1488—1505年),为 16 孔拱形石桥,享有“江南第一桥”的美誉。眼前秀丽宜人的新安山水,古雅古趣的古城风貌,曾激起了来歙县访友李白极大的游兴。他月夜游新安江,放舟饮美酒,吟道:“槛外一条溪,几回流碎月”。

吴笑梅剪纸作品《徽州古城》/“Ancient Town of Huizhou”: Paper-cutting Work by Wu Xiaomei

太平古桥/ Ancient Taiping Bridge

Shexian County has a long history. Dating back to AD 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang (First Emperor of Qin Dynasty) Unified China, and Shexian County was built then. In the third year of Xuanhe (1121 AD), the imperial court changed the name of She County to Huizhou, with the character "Hui" meaning good. Since then, it had been the capital of the ancient Anhui .

The memorial arch of the Xu Guo, a symbol of the ancient Huizhou culture in Shexian County, is simple and elegant. She is renowned as the capital of China's emblem and ink, and the hometown of she inkstone in China. These honors represent the cultural accumulation of thousands of years.

The largest stone arch bridge in southern Anhui, Taiping Bridge, was built in the Hongzhi period of the Ming dynasty (1488-1505 AD) and is known as “the first bridge in the south of the Yangtze River”.


云涌霞水/ Sunset Glow in the Clouds


无论是文化,还是自然,绩溪适合慢慢体验。从县城出发,经瀛洲镇、伏岭镇、家朋乡、荆州乡,迄止于皖浙交界,有一条全长 75公里的风景道,分布有仁里、龙川、伏岭,融入丰富的民俗文化,是杭黄文化旅游廊道的重要通道。

绩溪胡氏宗祠内外景(组图)/The Hu’s Ancestral Hall in Jixi (group photos)

绩溪锦绣龙川/ Beautiful Longchuan Town in Jixi

Jixi County is like a picture with the mild sunshine. The Yellow Mountain and the Tianmu Mountain are the main background in this picture, featuring quaint homes, solemn archways, trendy blocks, and clear streams.

Known as the hometown of Anhui cuisine, Jixi County is the right place to taste authentic Anhui dishes. Starting from the county and passing through Yingzhou town, Fuling Town, Jiapeng Town and Jingzhou Town, there is a 75km scenic road at the junction of Anhui and Zhejiang. There are also Renli Village, Longchuan Village and Fuling Village along the way. The integration of rich folk culture makes it an important channel in Hangzhou-Huangshan cultural tourism corridor.


黟县古城/ The ancient Yixian County, Anhui



黟县卢村木雕楼/ Buildings with Woodcarvings in Lucun Village in Yixian County

山清水秀中,人文景观星罗棋布,黟县是名副其实的 “中国画里乡村”。

Yixian County, Anhui, at the foot of the Yellow Mountain, is home to a number of Ming and Qing dwellings, ancestral halls, memorial archway and gardens, known as the “Chinese museum of ancient Ming and Qing dwellings” and “A microcosm of Chinese traditional culture”.

The ancient Yixian County has gone through many vicissitudes of life, preserving a large number of intact historical buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties. The streets and lanes are in clear layout, and walking through them, one can feel the city’s special charm amid the modern life and historical atmosphere.

木雕楼局部特写/ Close-up of the Building with Woodcarvings

The three carvings (stone carving, wood carving and brick carving) of Huizhou are the quintessence of Huizhou architecture. In Yixian County, one can feel the delicacy and cultural connotation of the three carvings. In the late Qing dynasty, a group of painters went to Jingdezhen Town and invented light- red porcelain, of which artists from Yixian County were the core force.

With its picturesque scenery and human landscapes,Yixian County is a veritable“village in Chinese painting”.





图片:周杰 熊静江 汪鈞 张霞 唐祖怀 张为

编辑:杨安红(实习) 吴承江




