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if (app.Documents.length > 0) { var win = new Window("dialog", "插入日期文件名变量页码"); var panelMargins = win.add("panel", undefined, "边缘"); var lblMargins = panelMargins.add("statictext", undefined, "距离边缘:"); var txtMargins = panelMargins.add("edittext", undefined, 0.25); var lblUnits = panelMargins.add("statictext", undefined, "inches"); var panelLocation = win.add("panel", undefined, "位置"); var radTop = panelLocation.add("radiobutton", undefined, "顶"); var radBottom = panelLocation.add("radiobutton", undefined, "底"); var panelAlignment = win.add("panel", undefined, "对齐"); var radLeft = panelAlignment.add("radiobutton", undefined, "左"); var radCenter = panelAlignment.add("radiobutton", undefined, "中"); var radRight = panelAlignment.add("radiobutton", undefined, "右"); var panelFooter = win.add("panel", undefined, "插入的类型"); var grpPages = panelFooter.add("group"); var btnPage = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "页码"); var btnPages = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "总页"); var btnDate = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "日期"); var btnTime = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "时间"); var btnFullName = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "地址"); var btnFile = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "文件名"); var txtFooter = panelFooter.add("edittext"); var btnClear = panelFooter.add("button", undefined, "取消"); btnPage.size = btnPages.size = btnDate.size = btnTime.size = btnFullName.size = btnFile.size = btnClear.size = [31, 24]; var btnOk = win.add("button", undefined, "Ok"); radRight.value = radBottom.value = true; win.alignChildren = panelFooter.alignChildren = "fill"; btnClear.alignment = "left"; panelMargins.spacing = 3; panelMargins.orientation = panelLocation.orientation = panelAlignment.orientation = "row"; win.helpTip = "© 2012 Carlos Canto"; btnOk.helpTip = "Press Esc to Close"; btnPage.helpTip = "Adds *page* keyword, it represents a single page"; btnPages.helpTip = "Adds *pages* keyword, it represents total number of pages"; btnDate.helpTip = "Adds *date* keyword, it represents today's date"; btnTime.helpTip = "Adds *time* keyword, it represents current time"; btnFullName.helpTip = "Adds *fname* keyword, it represents Full File Name (including path)"; btnFile.helpTip = "Adds *file* keyword, it represents File Name"; btnClear.helpTip = "Clears input text area"; txtFooter.helpTip = "Type \r\t'Page *page* of *pages*' \rto get \r\t'Page 1 of 3' \rfor example"; var wgx = win.graphics; var grayPen = wgx.newPen(wgx.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [0.67, 0.67, 0.67], 1); txtFooter.onDraw = function() { var gx = this.graphics; gx.drawOSControl(); this.text || this.active || gx.drawString("[Type text to insert here] Press Esc to close", grayPen, 0, 0); }; btnOk.onClick = function() { if (txtFooter.text != "") { doSomething() } }; btnClear.onClick = function() { txtFooter.text = ""; }; btnPage.onClick = function() { footer("*page*"); }; btnPages.onClick = function() { footer("*pages*"); }; btnDate.onClick = function() { footer("*date*"); }; btnTime.onClick = function() { footer("*time*"); }; btnFullName.onClick = function() { footer("*fname*"); }; btnFile.onClick = function() { footer("*file*"); }; win.center(); win.show(); function footer(page) { txtFooter.text = txtFooter.text page; } function doSomething() { var idoc = app.activedocument; try { var ilayer = idoc.layers["Page Numbers"]; } catch (e) { var ilayer = idoc.layers.add(); ilayer.name = "Page Numbers"; } var pages = idoc.artboards.length; var datee = getdate(); var timee = gettime(); var fname = idoc.path == "" ? "Full Name: <unsaved document>" : idoc.fullName; var file = idoc.name; var footerPages = txtFooter.text.replace("*pages*", pages); footerPages = footerPages.replace("*pages*", pages); footerPages = footerPages.replace("*date*", datee); footerPages = footerPages.replace("*time*", timee); footerPages = footerPages.replace("*fname*", fname); footerPages = footerPages.replace("*file*", file); var margins = Number(txtMargins.text) * 72; for (var i = 0; i < idoc.artboards.length; i = 1) { footerPage = footerPages.replace("*page*", i 1); var itext = ilayer.textFrames.add(); itext.contents = footerPage; var fontSize = itext.textRange.characterAttributes.size; var activeAB = idoc.artboards[i]; var iartBounds = activeAB.artboardRect; var ableft = iartBounds[0] margins; var abtop = iartBounds[1] - margins; var abright = iartBounds[2] - margins; var abbottom = iartBounds[3] margins fontSize; var abcenter = ableft ((abright - ableft) / 2); if (radRight.value == true) { itext.left = abright; itext.textRange.paragraphAttributes.justification = Justification.RIGHT; } else if (radCenter.value == true) { itext.left = abcenter; itext.textRange.paragraphAttributes.justification = Justification.CENTER; } else { itext.left = ableft; itext.textRange.paragraphAttributes.justification = Justification.LEFT; } if (radTop.value == true) { itext.top = abtop; } else { itext.top = abbottom; } } app.redraw(); }} else { alert("请打开一个文档");}function getdate() { var date = new Date(); var m = date.getMonth() 1; var d = date.getDate(); var y = date.getFullYear(); var datemdy = m "/" d "/" y; return datemdy;}function gettime() { var time = new Date(); var hours = time.getHours(); var minutes = time.getMinutes(); if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" minutes; } if (hours > 11) { ampm = "PM"; } else { ampm = "AM"; } var curtime = hours ":" minutes " " ampm; return curtime;}

使用记事本或者notepad 等文本编辑器,将代码拷贝至文本文件,然后修改后缀名为js或者jsx,最后再PS软件菜单文件》脚本》浏览,点执行即可,也可以将脚本放在预设文件夹内,会显示再脚本下的二级子菜单。如下图所示:


提示: 作者联系方式 提示: 插件开发流程 - 知乎

