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1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,着重讲解48个国际音标中易混音标、易错音标的正确读法。

2. 音频课程,共9个课时,音融于词,词融于句。

3. 粉丝优惠价39.9元,少喝一杯奶茶就能拥有。

1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,每节课5分钟,只讲一个音标,让你迅速掌握每个音标发音要领。

2. 视频课程,身临其境,口型易模仿,48个音标48节课,轻松学习无压力。

I know I did my best today. I now let go and release all the stress and worries of the day. No matter what happened today, tomorrow is a fresh new start.


My sleep Tonight will be deep and peaceful. I will wake up refreshed and energized. While I sleep, my subconscious finds solutions to problems.


I am grateful for all the good things in my life, and I know more are on the way. I have faith that tomorrow will be a good day. The universe always helps me move toward my best life.我对生命中美好的事情充满感激,而且我知道,我还会遇见更多美好的事情。我相信,明天会是很棒的一天。这个世界会帮助我,慢慢地靠近我的理想人生境界。

Tonight, I will get restful, restorative sleep. My body heals and grows stronger while I sleep. While I sleep, my mind cultures thoughts of joy and positivity.


I have the power to overcome any challenge that tomorrow may bring. Every day I become more successful. Every day that passes makes me stronger and smarter.


While I sleep, my subconscious is working to improve my life in every way. I sleep soundly, because I know the universe has my back. My body now releases all tension and prepares for peaceful sleep.


I look forward to a brand-new day of possibility. When I wake up, my heart will be open to all good possibilities. I am grateful for today, and excited for tomorrow.



责编 | 杨宁

审稿 | 李栋

校稿 | 吕放

