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可再生资源 翻译(可再生资源有哪些英语怎么说)

大家好,萱萱来为大家解答以下的问题,关于可再生资源 翻译,可再生资源有哪些英语怎么说这个很多人还不知道,那么现在让我带着大家一起来看看吧!

1、As we all know that renewable resources have many strong points. For example, they are very clean and have no bad effects to the nature. Then these kinds of resources can be unlimited. But everything is like a two-edge sword; there is still weakness of renewable resources that we cannot ignore. First, the cost to change the raw resources like wind or sun into energy might be very high. Second, this kind of energy conversion needs high technology. So it is a little hard to spread this technology. Third, the renewable resources often set limit in region while being made. 额……刚好100个╮(╯▽╰)╭,楼主看看,自己写的。


